Thursday, September 27, 2007

DATE CHANGE - OCT. 7th at 12 noon

Hello Everyone, They have done it again. Our episode is not airing on Saturday now but on SUNDAY, OCT. 7th at 12 noon (that is the latest update). I will be calling them next week to make sure the date and time hasn't changed yet again. All four of us are doing good. Starting on Monday we are going back to The Litchfield Athletic Club to work out. We have missed going to the gym since MTV left. Getting up at 5am to run/walk was getting too hard for us. Plus the cold weather is coming and 5am runs would be brutal. Cynthia is working at the club babysitting so she is getting her membership for free. Sunday mornings Chris Sr. and I use to go to the club and play racquetball so we are very excited to be able to do that again. A big hi goes out to the women at CHH blood drawing station. Thanks for still being interested in our story. Bonnie

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Hi Everyone, I just got the word that our episode of MTV MADE airs for the first of many times on Saturday, October 6th. I am not sure what time so you will have to go to MTV once and a while before then to see the commercials. We are the first episode of Season 8. Come join us for a episode of a tight knit family who took on a intense summer long weight loss journey to getting fit. We haven't even seen it yet but we hope we can make families around the world realize that you can do anything if you stick together and do it together. This journey would not have worked if we all didn't do it together. I will talk with all of you real soon. Bonnie

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Hi Everyone, Just letting you all know we have been "MADE" fit this summer. We have rapped up the filming and are going to New York City this week to finish up some voice stuff. Look for our episode to air real soon. As soon as the episode airs I can chat with all of you about it and post some great pictures of Cynthia and the rest of us. We have not forgot all the people who helped us get to where we are today. That includes the hospital staff and doctor's offices who worked VERY HARD to fit us in for many doctors appts to the hairdresser for our big reveal. Talk with all of you soon. Bonnie