Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Hello Everyone, Some of you have been e-mailing us asking for an update so here it is. Cynthia has stayed around the same weight as when MTV left. Chris Jr. has stayed the same. Chris Sr., well I am not sure about him since he never weighs himself. He looks the same to me. As for me, Mom, I am down 7 lbs. from when MTV left. Yeah, just keeping the weight off is good. Cindy is busy applying to college besides working a part-time job on the weekends at a coffee shop. She loves it and her customers love her. She is looking to become a doctor. Her and I basically have the same hair cut as we do in our family photo from last winter. Our hair is strawberry blond (more strawberry than blond) thanks to my sister, Tina, last year who told me to just step out of my comfort zone and try red for a hair color. It looks great with my eyes so red is here to stay for a while. So the million dollar question everyone asks me about Chris Jr. . . . Is he single? Well, I am sorry to say girls but he is currently not available. He has a girlfriend and is happy. Doesn't hurt to e-mail your questions though. You never know if he becomes available. Toodles, Bonnie