Sunday, October 7, 2007


Hi Everyone, We hope you watched our show and it inspired you to get off the couch and get moving. We are all still exercising and eating healthy. Of course we have eaten food in the last month that hasn't been so healthy but that is life. The show is on again tonight at 8pm and Thursday 10/11 8pm EST. We are busy reading all of your e-mails and comments. We will talk with all of you again soon. Just thought we would check in and let you all look at the post we have been holding back from you until the show aired. Please look at all the old post so you can re-live some of the days we had this summer. Bonnie P.S. Todays big hi goes out to my grandparents (Cynthia and Chris' great-grandparents) in Florida who watch us and our proud of us. We love you gram and gramp!