Thursday, June 21, 2007


Today started off with MTV coming to my work with my daughter, Cynthia. They taped both of us telling one of my co-workers, Debbie, about our goal. What is our goal? The goal is for three of us to lose 30 pounds by Sept. 15th and hopefully get Chris Jr. off of sugar. This is going to be hard but even if we don't reach our goal we will be healther and weight a lot less. Next they took Cynthia to meet a friend she hasn't seen in a couple of months and tell him about her goal. Then they taped me making baked mac & cheese. The mac & cheese recipe goes back to my aunt, Janice. It is not your basic mac & cheese recipe. I have never had mac & cheese better than this. My aunt thinks this recipe came from her grandmother. My aunt use to make this for me when I was a kid and I absolutly loved it. When I had kids I started mading it for them. This is there all time favorite meal. I alway make 2 lbs. of it so the kids can have left overs for the next night. Aunt Janice, I am going to make this dish famous. MTV taped me making this same dish in the green light taping. Aren't I get so technical saying green light. That means when they come to film/shoot you for a couple of days before they make a decision if this is the episode they want to shoot full time. While making the mac & cheese I had to talk into the camara and tell every ingredient and every step I was doing. I like had my own cooking show. NO MTV, I do not want a cooking show. I hate to cook. When it was done cooking we went to my parents house and met with them and my sister and her family. The first thing that came to mind about this dinner situation was it truely was like watching Eddie Murphy in "The Klumps" except we are a different colored skin. No we weren't passing gas but we were all talking at the same time, making fun of each other and ourselves. One of the directors had to tell us to talk one at a time. We did calm down and got serious. One thing the four of us learned and now my sister and parents learned is it is hard work being on film. Every one thinks it is easy. You have to repeat yourself a lot or re-word what you just said because they may not have heard you or didn't have the right angle. Somethings we are walking in or driving in places 2 or 3 times over and over. Tomorrow the kids are off to finish up the rest of their medical tests so we can start the fitness part. It is 10:15pm and I am whipped. I think we are going to look forward to our vacation in a week and a half to just sleep. Bonnie