Monday, June 18, 2007

Prior to MTV Coming

What were we doing prior to MTV coming? We were all getting physicals, stress tests, and echocardiograms. No, we are not sick. Maybe we are not physical fit but our insides are healthy. We have done a lot of things before we got to this point with MTV. The first thing was Cindy auditioned at her school. She had a 30 minute video taped interview with a girl named Lauren. Lauren liked Cindy and said, "I am going to push for you to get this." Oh, by the way is your family as outgoing and funny as you. YES. Could they afford to lose weight and get healthy. YES, except for my brother, Chris. Forward a few weeks and Rebecca, from casting called Cindy while she was on vacation in Florida. They needed pictures of the whole family and our house. Well, mom, dad, and Chris Jr. took pictures of the house and the three of them. They sent pictures of Cindy they had on the digital camara. A couple of days later Rebecca called again and said they wanted to send a producer out to do a green light at our house in TWO DAYS. She was really pushing for us too. O.K., two days away. Cindy got home from vacation later that night and we wrote up a exact schedule of what we would be doing Friday and Saturday. Justin, a producer came Friday morning bright and early. He miked Cindy up and off to school he went with her. They had a great day filming at Cindy's high school. The green light was filled with us eating every imaginable fattening food we ever eat. It was fun but tiring. We were all interviewed for two days straight. Then the waiting began. They said we would hear something between 2 to 4 weeks. On Thursday of the fifth week we got an e-mail from Rebecca, to call her when we got a chance. She said that she is always the one having to call people and tell them they didn't get the show, but not this time. WE MADE IT. That was a couple of weeks ago. O.K., don't tell anyone MTV says. Oh, can we tell our immediate family like the grandparents and great-grandparents. Yes. So we did. Bonnie

Two Days Before MTV Comes

06/18/07 Hello Family and Friends, We thought we would take you on our journey with getting fit as a family. Today is Monday and the official word is MTV is coming Wed. morning. All we really know is that we will be meeting two producers Wed. morning, Gina and Brian. The taping will begin. MTV likes to keep us in the dark about everything. Everything is a surprise. Bonnie