Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Hello Everyone,
Haven't updated our website in a long while. Funny how we know we our episode has just aired. We get lots of e-mails. Some of the e-mails have offers attached. Having made any money off anything yet. Chris Sr. and Chris Jr. haven't weighted themselves in forever so I can only tell you Chris Jr. looks great as always and Chris Sr. is in a size smaller than when we first started dating over 20 years ago. Cynthia and I are down about 50 lbs. Who knows if that is still true after the holidays. Just kidding. As of last week we are holding our own. I got everyone to dress in jeans and a white shirt and quickly take this winter photo. The boys have a little hair for the winter and Cynthia and I have cut our hair short. A bunch of you have asked us for before and after photos and like the whole MTV process we got so much into the process that we didn't take photos or get autographs from anyone. I have posted the photo that we sent to MTV before they came. Cynthia isn't in it because she was actually in Florida when we first heard they were interested in us. I hope everyone is having a great holiday season. We sure are. Still as tight as ever as a family. Cynthia and I have a goal for the new year but we will tell you about that another day. Todays hi goes out to all the folks that are still watching our episode on MTV. Bonnie