Monday, December 15, 2008


First I would like to tell you that Cindy has just submitted a few paragraphs to be put on an MTV blog and our winter picture from last year. I will keep you updated on that. Secondly, you all are still asking me if Chris is single, NOT. He is currently living (most of the time) with his girlfriend and her dog, Gee. They are very happy together. So girls even though he is not single rest assure he is being taken care of VERY well. Kelly is even too good to him. I hope he treats her as well as she treats him. All four of us plus Kelly and 5 other family members are going to Florida for the holidays. Stay tuned and we should have some great pictures to follow in the new year. Happy Holidays to all. Don't eat too much. Remember at this time of year it is not about losing weight it is about not gaining it. Toodles, Bonnie

Monday, October 27, 2008


Hi Everyone, Yesterday the family went to the pumpkin patch locally in our area. The kids finally let me take pictures of them. I think the pictures came out awesome. We had a great time. Well the part where Chris Sr. lost our car keys (but found them later) was not good but other than that it was a great day. Hope everyone enjoys the pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them. We are all doing well. I think we are all gaining a few pounds (except Chris) but still not above what we were when MTV left. I am staying on track to make sure no one goes back up too much. Can you believe we still have not ate our famous baked mac & cheese. It has been 16 months. We are afraid to make it because then it will be a weekly thing again. I will check back again when I get everyone to the gym. Toodles, Bonnie

Friday, October 3, 2008


Girls, I don't think it is very nice the comments you are posting here. This is a family site for our mission, not be mean to who Chris is dating. You would all love to be in her shoes but right now it is her turn. Thank you for posting only nice things. Bonnie

Thursday, October 2, 2008

WOW! You really want him!

I can not believe how many girls want my son, Chris. You are going to give him a big head. LOL. Stop drooling girls. He has a girlfriend and is very happy with her. They just started dating. I don't have any pictures of her. She is a very cute/pretty women. There are no pictures of her on his myspace but she has posted a million times on there. Cynthia is taken also. I like who they are both with. Bonnie

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Hello Everyone, Some of you have been e-mailing us asking for an update so here it is. Cynthia has stayed around the same weight as when MTV left. Chris Jr. has stayed the same. Chris Sr., well I am not sure about him since he never weighs himself. He looks the same to me. As for me, Mom, I am down 7 lbs. from when MTV left. Yeah, just keeping the weight off is good. Cindy is busy applying to college besides working a part-time job on the weekends at a coffee shop. She loves it and her customers love her. She is looking to become a doctor. Her and I basically have the same hair cut as we do in our family photo from last winter. Our hair is strawberry blond (more strawberry than blond) thanks to my sister, Tina, last year who told me to just step out of my comfort zone and try red for a hair color. It looks great with my eyes so red is here to stay for a while. So the million dollar question everyone asks me about Chris Jr. . . . Is he single? Well, I am sorry to say girls but he is currently not available. He has a girlfriend and is happy. Doesn't hurt to e-mail your questions though. You never know if he becomes available. Toodles, Bonnie

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I can't believe it has been over 6 months since I last updated our blog. We are still getting e-mails from people all over the world telling us that they have seen our show. YEAH! Cynthia is doing fine. She now has her drivers license and a 1984 BMW. She will be starting her last year of high school at our local high school for 1/2 of the day and then she takes an hour ride to the capital of our state and attends an arts school. She is in the theatre program. She now works at our local coffee house. She loves her job and they love her. Chris Jr. is doing o.k. He had a bit of an accident a few weeks ago. He was shooting off a potato gun and it blew up in his face. The flames burnt off his eyelashes, eyebrow, beard on one side of his head. He did very little damage to his eyeball but burnt his eyelid and all the skin around his eye. He didn't go out for a week. He didn't like the way he looked. All of his hair should grow back but the doctor is not sure about his eyebrow. We will have to wait and see. So girls, he might not be as perfect as he was. LOL. Chris drives a 1989 BMW. Both kids think they are cool in their rides. Having asked everyone what their weight situation is but they all look about the same. I am still down 10 lbs. from when MTV left. PRAY FOR ME! Weight is still an every day struggle for me. I attend an OA (Overeater's Anonymous) meeting every Monday to help with the mental aspects of overeating. Glad everyone is still interested in how we are doing. It has been almost a year since MTV left. I told them they should come to our house and see us. We do NOT have our cabinets filled with junk food. Can you imagine we STILL have not eaten our favorite homemade Mac & Cheese. We are so afraid we will be addicted to it. Toodles. BONNIE OXOXOXO

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Hi! Thought I would update our website a little. Chris Jr. has been approached by a new magazine that is coming out in the future for some modeling pictures. We will see how that turns out. Cynthia is doing well. She is trying to decide if she wants to go to college to be a doctor or forensic scienctist. Oh boy, I see our pocketbooks empty. Our trainer, Alicia Marie, is on the cover of a couple of magazine's this month. She evens mentions us in one of the interviews. We are all doing well. We have been bad though. We haven't been exercising too much. I can say that none of us have gained weight. I still go to a weekly weight meeting and have been the same for a couple months now. Chris Sr. is cute as ever. I just love the man. He makes me laugh everyday. After 19 years being together that is a good thing to say. Todays big hi goes out to my great aunt, Joanne who lives in Maine/Florida. I am so glad that my family is still watching our show.