Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Hi! Thought I would update our website a little. Chris Jr. has been approached by a new magazine that is coming out in the future for some modeling pictures. We will see how that turns out. Cynthia is doing well. She is trying to decide if she wants to go to college to be a doctor or forensic scienctist. Oh boy, I see our pocketbooks empty. Our trainer, Alicia Marie, is on the cover of a couple of magazine's this month. She evens mentions us in one of the interviews. We are all doing well. We have been bad though. We haven't been exercising too much. I can say that none of us have gained weight. I still go to a weekly weight meeting and have been the same for a couple months now. Chris Sr. is cute as ever. I just love the man. He makes me laugh everyday. After 19 years being together that is a good thing to say. Todays big hi goes out to my great aunt, Joanne who lives in Maine/Florida. I am so glad that my family is still watching our show.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see everyone is doing well. We haven't seen any of you at CHH LAB. Stop by and say Hi when you're in the area.

CHH Phlebs

Anonymous said...

I have just watched accidentally your episode on Mtv here in Germany.
I liked it very much and thought it would be interesting for you to know even if the episode has been aired in the States I guess some time ago, it still runs in other parts of the world :-)
Wish your all the best,


CHOP said...
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Anonymous said...

hi! im from brazil and i really liked your made, chris jr look sooo god! very hot i loved! hahaha he have myspace or something?
kisses, leticia


Anonymous said...

sorry i forget, in my comment "hahahaha" means lol!

Unknown said...

Hi my name is julia of Brazil and I'm the episode of the programme and made mainly of chris

Chris you have Messenger ... I add:

my Orkut:


Te I found very beautiful send me an email
