Monday, July 16, 2007


Before we left Eddie last night he said he would see me in the morning. So what do you think happened? That's right I didn't sleep at all last night. I was literally up every hour waiting for him and the TV crew to come blasting thru our front door to get us to go running early in the morning. He worked us so hard last night I don't even want to think about working out in the gym and doing a workout with him.

How Famous Is This Trainer?

Friday, we worked out all by ourselves while Alicia watched us. Alicia is going to a fitness festival in Italy for the next 10 days. I guess she thinks we need to step it up a notch because on Saturday when she came to say her good byes to us she told us she didn't think we could manage this week without her and was bringing in someone who wasn't going to be as nice as her. He (first clue) knows what he is doing and how to get the weight off us. She brought presents (or so we thought) for us. What could be in the bags? All four of us thought it was a picture of Alicia with a voice thing that would yell at us to work out but it wasn't. She made me open the big bag. It was a plastic replica of 5 lbs. of fat. It was discussing. Cindy named our fat, George. What was in the individual little bags. It was our very own pet fat. A l oz. piece of plastic fake fat. It was to remind us not to overeat and lose weight while she was away. Sunday was a new day and we were suppose to be meeting our trainer at 3pm. Gena (the producer) called and asked if we knew where there was a football field (#2 clue). O.k. so now we know it is a male, and a football player. Gena later tells us you don't need to be a sports fan to know who this person is because he is that famous. Guess what? He wasn't so famous to us because we didn't know who he was. He played for the Tennessee Titans (#3 clue). He is second in line to Patan for starting the most games in the NFL. If you aren't a big football fan and can't guess. . . Eddie George. Eddie brought his trainer, Joe, along with him. We were in for some hard workouts. We played football with him and then did workout drills. We had to re-do reps of things if he felt we weren't trying hard enough or we stopped for a second. At the end he had us running around the track and if we stopped we were going to have to run it again. I almost felt like I was going to throw up. What will tomorrow bring???? Bonnie

Saturday, July 14, 2007


Hi Everyone, Please visit our blog in November! Thank your for your support. Bonnie, Chris Sr., Chris Jr. & Cynthia

Friday, July 13, 2007

5k Race, Thursday night

O.K. I didn't finish the race. Not even close. Last night they thought they (MTV's Story Producer) would do a test on how well we have been doing. They thought we should enter this 5k race along with runners who run every weekend in races or at least 2x/month. Every Thursday there is 3 races, 3k, 4k & 5k thur White Memorial. MTV found out about this and entered us in it as a test. It wasn't a test at all. We knew Chris Jr. and Chris Sr. would do fine. Cindy ran/walk with the trainer and finished. The paths for the race were very unclear especially for first time runners so Chris Jr. ended up doing 10k and Cindy and the trainer did a little extra. I was last of all the runners and decided about 1 1/2 into it that I was lost and didn't even know were to find the right path. This is the only thing I made my mind up about so far that I was not going to finish. I am very positive and go into everything that way but this was crazy. MTV made us look absolutely like this fatty family. I was not going to let them make us look this way so I ended the race for myself. I don't mind going into something and not know how to do it and look like a beginner but I was just looking dumb and I will NOT put up with that. Me not finishing the race really upset my daughter. I will not even tell you everything that happen after the race because it was a lot of stuff that runs deep in my sole about how I feel about myself and my family and it was a big situation. MTV filmed it so I am sure it will make it on MTV and if it doesn't (which I hope it doesn't) that will be great. Just know that I am the core of this family and if things don't turn out good it usually is my fault. Me not finishing the race put my daughter over the edge. I wrote into MTV and told them that I thought they were wrong to put us in a situation with very advanced runners and let us compete. This is crazy. I wonder what they think of me now. I write into our Series producer almost every day so I am sure what he thinks of me?? Today better me a better day of filming or else. Todays big hi goes out to all of you that leave me comments. I really do appreciate them and thank you for reading my blog. Bonnie

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Today I got up at 5am and went with my mom walk/running since they told me the weight is only coming off if you do more cardio and then we did water aerobics. Then I did 30 minutes of cardio with Cindy and the trainer. She had us doing us funky things on the treadmill. I sweat like I never have sweat before. Then we did some abs. Filming hasn't been so bad this week because we are doing individual training. So it is only a hour to hour and a half per day. Not so bad. Lets see what the weekend will bring on. Todays big hello goes out to my Mom and Dad. My mom has been my workout partner this week. She has been getting up early every morning just to work out with ME. Thanks mom. I love you. Bonnie

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Who do you think lost the most weight in two weeks? Chris Sr., Bonnie or Cindy? If you guessed me you were wrong. If you guessed Cindy you were wrong. It was Chris Sr. with a total weight loss of 11 lbs. He has worked hard at his diet. He runs almost every day with Tyson. As for me I have to do more cardio. I came in last with only 3 lbs. Cindy lost a whopping 7 lbs. You go girl. She is doing so well. I am down because I have worked just as hard as the others. I do take two medicines that make it harder to lose weight but I am still sad. I have a goal for myself of 2 1/2 lbs per week. If I do that I will meet my goal of 30 lbs by Sept. 8th. Now I have to lose about 3 pounds per week. I am already discouraged. Any one out there got words of encouragement for me. Hint, Hint, this would be a good time to leave a nice comment for me. LOL. Todays big hello goes out to my sister, Tina, who is always checking up on me and telling me I am doing a great job. Thanks, sis. Bonnie

Monday, July 9, 2007


One producer came tonight and filmed Chris Sr. getting his breakfast ready. He was trying to tell them he didn't eat breakfast before this. I guess coffee break eating a dounut and a coffee is not breakfast. Please, give me a break. She only came to say hi and do a quick interview on how our vacation was. See you tomorrow at the gym she told us. Wait, where is the trainer? Getting ready I guess for all of us to go to the gym at different times tomorrow. Todays big hello goes out to Lisa, one of my friends from my TOPS group. I hope we are motivating you Lisa. We can be thinner yet. Bonnie

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Exercise or Not?

So do you think we exercised everyday on vacation? YES, we did. Chris Sr. ran every day down to the beach and back along with Tyson. You know Tyson has a 6 week exercise plan too. He needs to run for 20 minutes per day with his dad. Cynthia and I ran two days and the rest of the days we did water aerobics. I really felt great doing water aerobics each morning. I got up and went to the pool at 8am right when the pool opened. I felt great for the rest of the day after doing water aerobics. I am going to try and still do that each morning. My mom and dad live 5 minutes from me and 1 minute from work so I shouldn't have an excuse right. Our trainer contacted us today about getting together and doing a hour of personal training with each of us tomorrow. I thought we had another week without her?? Who knows when the producers are coming back? Tomorrow too?? Oh, Chris Sr. will be so mad if that is the case. He needs another week off from shooting. I think it really exhausted him out the first couple of weeks also. Who is use to getting up at 5:30am and going to bed at 11 pm without ever stopping your day. Hopefully we can keep up the good work exercising when the trainer is not in town. Today's big hello goes out to all the campers we met this past week at Bailey's RV Resort. Hopefully Chris Sr. didn't talk your ears off. He even took pictures with some of you and signed autographs. LOL. What will tomorrow bring? . . . . . .Bonnie

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Was It Really Vacation?

We are back from vacation in Old Orchard Beach, Maine and we are all well rested. It didn't start out that way. We were all very sore from the three days of exercising with our trainer. We later found out that she had us doing very advanced moves for filming purposes. Personally my body and mind were so exhausted. I didn't realize how tired I was until I went vacation. We arrived on vacation dragging our feet we were so sore. I felt like I was tired for the first third days of vacation even though I slept good. One of the producers came up to shoot us supposely for one hour a day for two days of vacation. WRONG! He filmed us Sunday afternoon until Sunday night. Then we had a 14 hour day on Monday. We were playing a bean bag tossing game Monday afternoon when out pops, yes you guessed it, the trainer. We were more surprised to see her on vacation then the day we first met her. What the hell was she doing on our vacation and how did she get here. Let me answer the first question first. She was checking up on us. She checked the refrigerator and found nothing but fresh produce and fruit. Whew, I am so glad that we were sticking to our diet (and we did for the whole vacation too) because if she found out we weren't then she was there to make us work out. She said she had spies (the producer and our son Chris Jr.) watching us and because we were doing so well she decided we didn't have to work out. She then took us on a trip. A trip to a spa called Fabu in Porland, Maine. Our trainer and I got body wraps and Chris Sr. and Cindy got full body massages. Chris Jr. decide he was going to the beach and really didn't want any part of the filming on vacation. That was o.k. but he missed the spa. Tuesday was just one hour of filming while we were doing water aerobics. Good thing the trainer and the producer left Tuesday morning or Chris Sr. was going to boot them out of the campground. Monday was the longest day yet of filming. We had our trainer picking up dog poop. She said she wanted to help us. She had a couple of firsts again; First time camping, first time picking up dog poop, and the first time ever making shishkabobs (however you spell it). The weather was not the greatest for a beach vacation but my family did find a lot of sand dollars. I think my mom and dad found 45 and my sister and her family found 43. My daughter only got in the action of finding them later in the week when the weather was bad but she found 6. Baby on the way home stepped on them and broke 3 of them. Sorry Cindy, dad didn't put them in a very good place. We are going to enjoy our next week off! Or do you think the MTV crew will pop in and show up early and see how we are doing???? We hope not. We need to live like a normal family for another week. What is normal? I am going to tell you a little each day about things on our vacation that have to do with MTV and exercising. Our big hello today goes out to Linda, the bartender at The Clam Bake. She gave Chris Sr. a stuffed toy lobster with a pink bandana. Bonnie