Tuesday, October 9, 2007


A lot of people have mentioned Eddie George. I have to tell you about him. He came to CT on his own dime. It was not in the filming budget for him or his coach, Joe. They came here and coached us on their own time and money. Both of them are truely awesome people. Eddie George came to our house and spent time talking with my daughter, Cynthia, in her bedroom. He was very down to earth and never came across as being better than anyone despite his many accomplishments. My daughter really liked him. He is genuinely nice person. He really cared about us. I have been in touch with his coach, Joe after the show and he is the same way. Eddie and Joe couldn't make it to Cynthia's Sweet 16th because of other work committments (now being a commentator for a football game on FOX network is more important than us, ha, ha) but Eddie called Cynthia during her party. Boot camp with Eddie and Joe and the long walk was a turning point for us. What we learned is that you are only as good as your weakest member of your team. We also learned how to challegne ourselves and you CAN do things in life especially physically that you wouldn't think you could do. Believe us you can do anything you believe you can do. It is a mind thing. At one point I was so exhausted and walked away from everyone when we had a ONE minute break and Eddie or Joe asked me what I was doing and I told them I was ready to cry and they said o.k. I then realize I will NOT cry because if I get it out of my mind that I can't do it I will get thru it and I did. Todays hi goes out to Eddie and Joe. We did appreciate every thing you did for our family. We learned more from you than you can imagine. P.S. If you leave a message on this blog and what us to e-mail you back you need to e-mail us at goody2shoes81370@yahoo.com or leave us your e-mail because we can't reply to you unless you do this.

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