Monday, October 8, 2007


We have gotten a lot of comments from around the country. The most ask question is . . . Does Chris Jr. own a shirt? LOL. NO. He really likes to wear little clothing. He does love his body. He is very proud of it. Like you heard in the show his dad use to look like that, NOT! Chris is hyperactive and NEVER stops moving. If all of us moved as much as him we would all be skinny and ripped like Chris Jr. So all of you should get moving. The thing we loved the most about our experience this summer is EVERYTHING. We embraced everything that we did. We now think about what we can do every day to challenge ourselves. What we can do to go just a little farther than we did yesterday. Talk to all of you again tomorrow. Did I tell you it is on again 5pm EST this Thursday OR you can go to and watch the whole episode any time. You should go there anyway and see some pictures of us and other footage of us. Todays big hello goes out to my cousin Eric and his girlfriend Lindsey in Colorado who watch the whole episode on the internet.


Anonymous said...

So Chris Jr never wears a shirt? To be a fly on the wall in that house then. He should have a show on mtv, we need more of him. although he should shave!

indepchik said...

Hi Cindy!

I watched your show the other night and started to google for a blog site, I assumed you had one, and I am glad you do! I have a question, I have just recently began to try to eat healthy and excersize (only 2 weeks in), are there certain foods they said are a big no no for weight loss? or foods that they reccommended? Pretty much, what diet did they have your family on? I was really inspired by your story and the passion and determination you had. I look forward to hearing from you!

Thanks Cindy!