Friday, October 3, 2008


Girls, I don't think it is very nice the comments you are posting here. This is a family site for our mission, not be mean to who Chris is dating. You would all love to be in her shoes but right now it is her turn. Thank you for posting only nice things. Bonnie


Anonymous said...

well, maybe it is time to end her turn and give someone else a chance. she is obviously not worthy, she cant even defend herself.

Heather said...

Bonnie- you need to moderate comments so that you can control what comments get published and what doesn't.

Anonymous said...

I think it is great that Chris is happy, and I personally know the girl he is dating, and she is happier then anything. If anyone knew her at all, nothing could be said about being good enough or anything else. She is a college graduate, not 1, but 2 degrees, and works in investments, which most people couldn't handle! She is the sweetest person in the world, and would do anything for anyone. Chris and his girlfriend seem very happy together and absolutly adorable together. Who knows where it will lead, but instead of being mean about everything, why not be happy that someone else is happy, and instead of trying to hurt someone or say mean things, get over it and go find your own happiness! The
Mosher family has had great accomplishments in the past year, lets focus our attention on that and leave Chris and Kelly's relationship out of it!

Anonymous said...

Can we see some updated pics of the family, and the significant others of the kids? It is great to know you are all doing well! And people really should be nicer!

Anonymous said...

I just want to say congrats to the family, I am very happy to hear that things are going well for everyone. I know myself and everyone would definitly like some more pictures when you have time Bonnie! And by the way, I saw Chris Jr's girlfriend on her myspace page, she is definitly adorable, he has great taste, she is the cutest little thing, and they will look great together! Image the grandkids, gorgeous!!!! Cant wait for more updates!!

Anonymous said...

you should ask chris's girlfriend where he was this weekend, cause pretty sure he was with his ex. Wow, that really stinks!

Anonymous said...

so how is the girlfriend situation, are they still together? I think we are all still waiting on pictures of the two of them, please! Are they serious? are they living together? Does she take good care of him? All pressing answers we want to know!!

Anonymous said...

I agree that te mean comments need to stop, I have seen Chris Jr. myspace, and have seen the comments that his girlfriend leaves for him, and it really shows that she loves him, so lets give her a break and concentrate on what is important, how the family is doing with their weight loss. Hope it is still going well, and keep us updated! And hey, we would love to see the wedding pictures of Chris Jr. and Kelly when it happens, wich from the sound of it will be in no time!!

Anonymous said...

My neice told me about this website, and I decided to see it for myself. First of all, congrats to the family on all their achievements! I myself lost weight and know what a hardsip it was. Second, let me address the comments about Chris Jr. and his girlfriend, my neice, Cealeigh (Kelly). I can tell every one that the mean things that were said have hurt her, and if anyone were to actually know her, they wouldnt be able to say a bad thing about her! When I talk to her about Chris, I can tell that she is happy, I can hear the smile through the phone, and for er, that is a big deal. She has had a rough life, lost her parents both in the same year, been to hell and back with relationships, and has still come out on top. Se is a beautiful person, both inside and out. I know that I am biased, as I am family, but anyone who knows her will tell you the same, and I know she cares for Chris, which says alot about his family, and the fantastic job they did raising him. Please, lets just let them be, and let my neice be happy, its been along time since she has smiled the way she does about him!

Anonymous said...

ok, so i guess we are all waiting for pictures, and updates! How is the weight loss going? The kids and their significant others? Cant wait to hear!