Thursday, June 28, 2007

Wednesday - BIKRAM YOGA

Today Cynthia and I worked out at the gym for the first time. They measured us and pinched our body fat. We then did 20 minutes of cardio. We had to rush out of the gym to get the boys. Why? We really didn't know. We thought what else could be so bad as last night. Maybe they were taking us to a cooking school. That thought ended when we pulled into a Patco and Alicia, the trainer and Brian, the producer went inside and came out with all of these giant water bottles. They gave each one of us a bottle and said, "Drink it. Drink all of it. I mean it. You need to drink the whole bottle. You will need to have drunk the whole bottle for the place we are going. My thought now was were would we be going that we would need to have a whole bottle of water in us. This was crazy. I don't drink this much water in a short time. We were back on the road and pulled into a plaza I have never been at in Farmington. The first thing I saw was a Dunkin Dounuts and I knew she wasn't taking us there. We parked and when we got out I saw a sign that said BIKRAM YOGA. I thought great we are doing Yoga. I have done yoga a few time. Bikram must be the name of the guy who owns it. Little did I know. Then all of a sudden we see people coming out of the building soaked in sweat. Our trainer proceded to tell us it wasn't ordinary yoga. It was yoga that you do in a 105 degree room for 90 minutes. Well this sounded like fun, NOT. The main objective for your first time is not to leave the room (or lose your lunch, ha, ha). If you leave the room you lose the effect of the cleansing process. You do feel dizzy at times and yes you get nausea. All four of us never left the room. Of course Chris Jr. did the best. He is so flexible and fit. Cindy did the next best. Then it was me just stopping a few times for water and to relax. Chris Sr. had the hardest time. He sat out for a while because he was feeling so sick. I am so proud of us. This was a very intense thing. Our trainer had never even done this type of yoga before. I spoke with the nutritionist today at the gym and she said she would never do that type of yoga because she hates heat. Well honey so do I. I really think it is something everyone should try at least one. You feel so powerful at the end because you made it. Will I do it again, probably not. Well only if MTV makes me or maybe if I have to bring my extended family there to get detoxed. What will Thursday bring? Bonnie

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