Tuesday, October 30, 2007


http://www.mypetfat.com/aboutjay.asp - Go to this website. Jay, the owner of my pet fat wants to do an interview with us. We haven't done it yet but we will let you know how is goes. What you didn't see on the MTV episode of us is when our trainer, Alicia, went away to her fitness convention she gave us our own personal petfat. I still have mine on my desk at work. We were also give a 5 lb piece of fat. It still resides on our our breakfast bar. It get a lot of attention from many people. It first grosses them out and then they can't imagine what 5 lbs of fat looks like. If anyone needs one to get you motivated you need to go to this site and buy one. It may help all of you. Jay Jacobs has a blog too you can sign up for. It has daily information on it. I think it can really help all of us to lose weight. Bonnie P.S. Todays big hi goes out to Jay and his family. Thanks for our pet fat. It truely is our pet. If you look real closely in the episode Cynthia is holding our 5 lbs. of pet fat when we meet Eddie George. Eddie asked us what it was and we told him that if he was mean to us we were going to throw it at him. Oh, I forgot to tell you before we even met Eddie or knew he was coming we named our fat, GEORGE. How funny? Our fat was going to stand up for us.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


A bunch of people have asked us if we cried on que or if our emotions were real. Come on everyone. Did it look like when I cried that I was an actress? No our emotions were real. No we didn't cry all the time thru out the summer. I cried once (you saw that on tv), Chris Jr. none, Chris Sr. once (at Cynthia's Sweet 16- he was so proud of her) and Cynthia - twice. It just happens whenever you have emotions, MTV is in the action. Crying, fighting, any anger, it all makes for a great show. Don't ya think. Cynthia did teach a class last week on reality tv and if it is real or not. What do you think? Todays big hi goes out to all the people I met last Friday who saw our show. Thanks for watching. Bonnie

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Cynthia is getting some new opportunities because of this show. She is going into a communications class on Friday for junior high school students to teach them and show parts of her video on the show. She is teaching the whole class that tv and media isn't always what it seems. How they edited our show to look like Cynthia and I were together one day and we weren't or how they staged a few scenes. She has a whole agenda that she is following. I am helping her with her speech tonight. She may be shooting something for a magazine with our trainer, Alicia Marie. Look for her she may be famous again. If we find out she is definately doing a magazine shoot her and I will be at the gym double time. Cynthia loves Alicia Marie. If you live in Atlanta, Georgia or New York City look her up she is an awesome trainer. Her website is www.aliciamarie.com. You won't believe your eyes. Especially if you are a male. She is top in her field. Bonnie

Monday, October 15, 2007

Healthy Natural Enlightening Cuise

I will post later but I had a lady whos name I don't remember, sorry, ask me about this cruise. Here is the link for it: http://www.costacruise.com/B2C/USA/Shopping/Month/CruiseDetail.htm?&Period=200803&DepPort=FLL&VIti=FO_7_C_H0_S_C_FLL_SJU_SXM_TOV_GTU It is from Costa cruise lines. It sails out of Ft. Lauderdale on March 30, 2008. Leave me a comment if you need more info on it. Bonnie

Sunday, October 14, 2007


Hi Everyone, We got the front page of The Litchfield Enquirer on Friday. This is a newspaper that comes out once a week in our town so if you live near and want to read about us it is a very long article. We went to Target's tonight in Torrington (one city over) that just opened and a teenage girl came up to Cindy and said were you on MADE. Yup, Cindy replied. Oh, I thought I regconized you. I have four friends that think your brother is hot. Then a mother and a daughter noticed Cindy too. The lady's other daughter went to The Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts (one of Cynthia's two high school she attends) with Cindy. How funny it is to be regconized while you are shopping. A bunch of people have asked us about the food scene where our trainer and a nutrionist came and took all the food out of our house. It was not staged and we didn't know a head of time about it. I bet you could tell by the expressions on our faces that we did not know. We actually had just went grocery shopping the night before. Everyone in the house was very upset because: 1) we were going on vacation in three days so we had lots of groceries that we had picked up in the last month stock piled in the pantry closet 2)we just went grocery shopping so we had lots of healthy food in the refrigerator 3)They emptied out Chris Sr.'s refrigerator in the cellar were he had a big collection of different kinds of beers for everyone's taste. 3)Chris Jr. probably knew once the sugary stuff was out of here. Mom was not going to bring it back. 4)Cindy felt at the time they were crazy. Now she feels like I do that it had to be done. 5)Me I looked at it like bye bye money. MTV producers got the word from higher up that all they wanted to see was a white refrigerator and white walls. The producers, our trainer, and the higher ups at MTV did not know we had that much food in our pantry, etc. The trainer asked us if we were stashing away food in case of a war. LOL. NO we just like to shop at Coscos and stock up. MTV couldn't bring it to the soup kitchen because it was closed by the time they got done and the food kitchen does take fresh food, etc. What a mess. My husband and Chris Jr. had to see our food get throw away in the dumpster of the food kitchen. We wished they would have filmed it and then let us give away the food to our family (especially the beer Chris Sr. says). MTV didn't actually give us money for the food but need pay for us to grocery shopping for our vacation and bought us some fresh produce one other time. It had to be done. Todays hi goes out to Carla the nutritionist who we met with one other time after she took our food. Bonnie

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Hi Everyone, We feel sad for all the people and events that didn't make it on the show. We really hoped a lot of you would have made it on the show. We were really hoping that some scenes and people from Litchfield High School would have been in the episode. A bunch of teachers there have really supported Cynthia in her many endeavors that she takes on. For those of you who know Cynthia real well she is a very busy girl. She loves to be busy and always is challenging herself in different ways. She keeps us very busy as parents and never lets us rest either with all her enthusiasm for life. Her theory is if you don't try you won't know if you could have succeeded. I have always told her this and she actually listens. (pat, pat, on my shoulder). When she tried out to be on MTV she asked me if I thought they would pick her because she ONLY wanted to be fit. I told her remember what I always tell you and she said I know mom if you don't try you won't know. Here we are today because of those words. I hope all of you watch us again today at 5 pm EST. I won't be blogging for a few days. Chris Sr. and I are going camping from tonight thru Sunday. Todays big hi goes out to all the students and faculty at Litchfield High School who gave Cynthia their support. Bonnie

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

It was all about the journey and not the destination!

Look for us in the Litchfield Enquirer this week. We should be on the front page. We did a big interview with Emily, the editor, last night. She took pictures of us on our couch. I hope we look good. I hope the article comes out good. I get a little nervous because some of the questions had negative responses. Like would you do this again, me, yes, Cynthia, yes, Chris Sr., no, Chris Jr., no. Maybe because we are female and you know females can do a million things at once or if it has to do with who Cynthia and I are but the males in the family felt the filming schedule was terrible and hated not knowing what we were doing or going at every moment. Them knowing everything would just have caused more hassle because they would have argued if they wanted to do the activity or not. Blah, Blah, Blah. Anyway for Cynthia and I it was about embracing everyday because it was a new day and we would be doing something different. It the end it wasn't about the weight loss, it was about the journey not the destination. Todays big hi goes out to Megan at The Spa at Litchfield Hills who cut Cynthia's hair and did our make-up, all for free. We looked wonderful the day of the party. We were running very late that day and she evening went out and bought us a healthy lunch. Bonnie

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


A lot of people have mentioned Eddie George. I have to tell you about him. He came to CT on his own dime. It was not in the filming budget for him or his coach, Joe. They came here and coached us on their own time and money. Both of them are truely awesome people. Eddie George came to our house and spent time talking with my daughter, Cynthia, in her bedroom. He was very down to earth and never came across as being better than anyone despite his many accomplishments. My daughter really liked him. He is genuinely nice person. He really cared about us. I have been in touch with his coach, Joe after the show and he is the same way. Eddie and Joe couldn't make it to Cynthia's Sweet 16th because of other work committments (now being a commentator for a football game on FOX network is more important than us, ha, ha) but Eddie called Cynthia during her party. Boot camp with Eddie and Joe and the long walk was a turning point for us. What we learned is that you are only as good as your weakest member of your team. We also learned how to challegne ourselves and you CAN do things in life especially physically that you wouldn't think you could do. Believe us you can do anything you believe you can do. It is a mind thing. At one point I was so exhausted and walked away from everyone when we had a ONE minute break and Eddie or Joe asked me what I was doing and I told them I was ready to cry and they said o.k. I then realize I will NOT cry because if I get it out of my mind that I can't do it I will get thru it and I did. Todays hi goes out to Eddie and Joe. We did appreciate every thing you did for our family. We learned more from you than you can imagine. P.S. If you leave a message on this blog and what us to e-mail you back you need to e-mail us at goody2shoes81370@yahoo.com or leave us your e-mail because we can't reply to you unless you do this.

Monday, October 8, 2007


We have gotten a lot of comments from around the country. The most ask question is . . . Does Chris Jr. own a shirt? LOL. NO. He really likes to wear little clothing. He does love his body. He is very proud of it. Like you heard in the show his dad use to look like that, NOT! Chris is hyperactive and NEVER stops moving. If all of us moved as much as him we would all be skinny and ripped like Chris Jr. So all of you should get moving. The thing we loved the most about our experience this summer is EVERYTHING. We embraced everything that we did. We now think about what we can do every day to challenge ourselves. What we can do to go just a little farther than we did yesterday. Talk to all of you again tomorrow. Did I tell you it is on again 5pm EST this Thursday OR you can go to mtv.com and watch the whole episode any time. You should go there anyway and see some pictures of us and other footage of us. Todays big hello goes out to my cousin Eric and his girlfriend Lindsey in Colorado who watch the whole episode on the internet.

Sunday, October 7, 2007


Hi Everyone, We hope you watched our show and it inspired you to get off the couch and get moving. We are all still exercising and eating healthy. Of course we have eaten food in the last month that hasn't been so healthy but that is life. The show is on again tonight at 8pm and Thursday 10/11 8pm EST. We are busy reading all of your e-mails and comments. We will talk with all of you again soon. Just thought we would check in and let you all look at the post we have been holding back from you until the show aired. Please look at all the old post so you can re-live some of the days we had this summer. Bonnie P.S. Todays big hi goes out to my grandparents (Cynthia and Chris' great-grandparents) in Florida who watch us and our proud of us. We love you gram and gramp!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


O.K. so three times is a charm for date/time changes on the show. This Sunday, October 7th at 11 am our episode is airing. Grab some popcorn and watch The Mosher family turn from puffy to fit. We have not seen the episode so . . . this will be fun for everyone to watch. We will let you all know how we feel about it after it airs. We lived the 3 months, over 200 hours of footage only to be edited into 43 minutes and 30 seconds. I hope they did a good job. We love you MTV. You have made us fit and we are still in the mode. Chris Sr. and I will be watching this Sunday with a bunch of friends at a campground in MA on a big projector tv screen so we will be in the moment with all of you. Both Chris Jr. and Cynthia have decided to watch it with their friends separately from us. Bonnie