Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Hello Everyone,
Haven't updated our website in a long while. Funny how we know we our episode has just aired. We get lots of e-mails. Some of the e-mails have offers attached. Having made any money off anything yet. Chris Sr. and Chris Jr. haven't weighted themselves in forever so I can only tell you Chris Jr. looks great as always and Chris Sr. is in a size smaller than when we first started dating over 20 years ago. Cynthia and I are down about 50 lbs. Who knows if that is still true after the holidays. Just kidding. As of last week we are holding our own. I got everyone to dress in jeans and a white shirt and quickly take this winter photo. The boys have a little hair for the winter and Cynthia and I have cut our hair short. A bunch of you have asked us for before and after photos and like the whole MTV process we got so much into the process that we didn't take photos or get autographs from anyone. I have posted the photo that we sent to MTV before they came. Cynthia isn't in it because she was actually in Florida when we first heard they were interested in us. I hope everyone is having a great holiday season. We sure are. Still as tight as ever as a family. Cynthia and I have a goal for the new year but we will tell you about that another day. Todays hi goes out to all the folks that are still watching our episode on MTV. Bonnie

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


None of you are going to want to hear this but . . . Cynthia is shaving her head this weekend. Her extensions have made her hair dread underneath no matter how many times she brushes it. We could get them professional taken out but that is a whole another story why she doesn't want to do that. Plus she has NEVER liked long hair and wants the satisfaction of cutting it herself. She has a semi-formal to go to in 2 1/2 weeks so she should look real cute for that. LOL. I have held her off from doing this for a while. She kept the long hair for the prom but I couldn't get her to keep it for the semi-formal. For those of you who don't really know Cynthia she has shaved her hair off once before. It was the night of her 8th grade graduation. She did it afterwards thank god. Why, you ask? Because she could and no one thought she would. She hated it. This time she is doing it to start with a fresh head of healthy hair. She has already informed me to not get use to the normal color hair because it will change. She said she wants to be crazy when she is a teenager because once she goes to college (for 9 or 10 years, grr) she will have to be normal looking. O.K. this makes sense to me. She is a great kid with good grades so I can't argue this. Bonnie P.S. If any of you are wondering how Chris Jr. is doing . . . GREAT. He works for a construction company in our area that is has wanted to work at for a while. He just bought a new "used" BMW of his dreams. I will tell you all about the BMW's that we have now another day.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Thought I post some pictures of Cynthia's first prom she attended this past Friday night. Do you recognize Billy from her Sweet 16 party. Look closely to the first picture here and he is in the backround (actually right in front of Cynthia and me). He is a friend she met as a freshman in high school while attending Oliver Wolcott Technical School. She hadn't seen him in a year and a half before the party. He was shocked to see what she looked like. He invited her to his Junior Prom. He had a great time and got to see some old friends. She danced so much that she couldn't walk the next day. You go girl. Bonnie

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


http://www.mypetfat.com/aboutjay.asp - Go to this website. Jay, the owner of my pet fat wants to do an interview with us. We haven't done it yet but we will let you know how is goes. What you didn't see on the MTV episode of us is when our trainer, Alicia, went away to her fitness convention she gave us our own personal petfat. I still have mine on my desk at work. We were also give a 5 lb piece of fat. It still resides on our our breakfast bar. It get a lot of attention from many people. It first grosses them out and then they can't imagine what 5 lbs of fat looks like. If anyone needs one to get you motivated you need to go to this site and buy one. It may help all of you. Jay Jacobs has a blog too you can sign up for. It has daily information on it. I think it can really help all of us to lose weight. Bonnie P.S. Todays big hi goes out to Jay and his family. Thanks for our pet fat. It truely is our pet. If you look real closely in the episode Cynthia is holding our 5 lbs. of pet fat when we meet Eddie George. Eddie asked us what it was and we told him that if he was mean to us we were going to throw it at him. Oh, I forgot to tell you before we even met Eddie or knew he was coming we named our fat, GEORGE. How funny? Our fat was going to stand up for us.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


A bunch of people have asked us if we cried on que or if our emotions were real. Come on everyone. Did it look like when I cried that I was an actress? No our emotions were real. No we didn't cry all the time thru out the summer. I cried once (you saw that on tv), Chris Jr. none, Chris Sr. once (at Cynthia's Sweet 16- he was so proud of her) and Cynthia - twice. It just happens whenever you have emotions, MTV is in the action. Crying, fighting, any anger, it all makes for a great show. Don't ya think. Cynthia did teach a class last week on reality tv and if it is real or not. What do you think? Todays big hi goes out to all the people I met last Friday who saw our show. Thanks for watching. Bonnie

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Cynthia is getting some new opportunities because of this show. She is going into a communications class on Friday for junior high school students to teach them and show parts of her video on the show. She is teaching the whole class that tv and media isn't always what it seems. How they edited our show to look like Cynthia and I were together one day and we weren't or how they staged a few scenes. She has a whole agenda that she is following. I am helping her with her speech tonight. She may be shooting something for a magazine with our trainer, Alicia Marie. Look for her she may be famous again. If we find out she is definately doing a magazine shoot her and I will be at the gym double time. Cynthia loves Alicia Marie. If you live in Atlanta, Georgia or New York City look her up she is an awesome trainer. Her website is www.aliciamarie.com. You won't believe your eyes. Especially if you are a male. She is top in her field. Bonnie

Monday, October 15, 2007

Healthy Natural Enlightening Cuise

I will post later but I had a lady whos name I don't remember, sorry, ask me about this cruise. Here is the link for it: http://www.costacruise.com/B2C/USA/Shopping/Month/CruiseDetail.htm?&Period=200803&DepPort=FLL&VIti=FO_7_C_H0_S_C_FLL_SJU_SXM_TOV_GTU It is from Costa cruise lines. It sails out of Ft. Lauderdale on March 30, 2008. Leave me a comment if you need more info on it. Bonnie

Sunday, October 14, 2007


Hi Everyone, We got the front page of The Litchfield Enquirer on Friday. This is a newspaper that comes out once a week in our town so if you live near and want to read about us it is a very long article. We went to Target's tonight in Torrington (one city over) that just opened and a teenage girl came up to Cindy and said were you on MADE. Yup, Cindy replied. Oh, I thought I regconized you. I have four friends that think your brother is hot. Then a mother and a daughter noticed Cindy too. The lady's other daughter went to The Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts (one of Cynthia's two high school she attends) with Cindy. How funny it is to be regconized while you are shopping. A bunch of people have asked us about the food scene where our trainer and a nutrionist came and took all the food out of our house. It was not staged and we didn't know a head of time about it. I bet you could tell by the expressions on our faces that we did not know. We actually had just went grocery shopping the night before. Everyone in the house was very upset because: 1) we were going on vacation in three days so we had lots of groceries that we had picked up in the last month stock piled in the pantry closet 2)we just went grocery shopping so we had lots of healthy food in the refrigerator 3)They emptied out Chris Sr.'s refrigerator in the cellar were he had a big collection of different kinds of beers for everyone's taste. 3)Chris Jr. probably knew once the sugary stuff was out of here. Mom was not going to bring it back. 4)Cindy felt at the time they were crazy. Now she feels like I do that it had to be done. 5)Me I looked at it like bye bye money. MTV producers got the word from higher up that all they wanted to see was a white refrigerator and white walls. The producers, our trainer, and the higher ups at MTV did not know we had that much food in our pantry, etc. The trainer asked us if we were stashing away food in case of a war. LOL. NO we just like to shop at Coscos and stock up. MTV couldn't bring it to the soup kitchen because it was closed by the time they got done and the food kitchen does take fresh food, etc. What a mess. My husband and Chris Jr. had to see our food get throw away in the dumpster of the food kitchen. We wished they would have filmed it and then let us give away the food to our family (especially the beer Chris Sr. says). MTV didn't actually give us money for the food but need pay for us to grocery shopping for our vacation and bought us some fresh produce one other time. It had to be done. Todays hi goes out to Carla the nutritionist who we met with one other time after she took our food. Bonnie

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Hi Everyone, We feel sad for all the people and events that didn't make it on the show. We really hoped a lot of you would have made it on the show. We were really hoping that some scenes and people from Litchfield High School would have been in the episode. A bunch of teachers there have really supported Cynthia in her many endeavors that she takes on. For those of you who know Cynthia real well she is a very busy girl. She loves to be busy and always is challenging herself in different ways. She keeps us very busy as parents and never lets us rest either with all her enthusiasm for life. Her theory is if you don't try you won't know if you could have succeeded. I have always told her this and she actually listens. (pat, pat, on my shoulder). When she tried out to be on MTV she asked me if I thought they would pick her because she ONLY wanted to be fit. I told her remember what I always tell you and she said I know mom if you don't try you won't know. Here we are today because of those words. I hope all of you watch us again today at 5 pm EST. I won't be blogging for a few days. Chris Sr. and I are going camping from tonight thru Sunday. Todays big hi goes out to all the students and faculty at Litchfield High School who gave Cynthia their support. Bonnie

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

It was all about the journey and not the destination!

Look for us in the Litchfield Enquirer this week. We should be on the front page. We did a big interview with Emily, the editor, last night. She took pictures of us on our couch. I hope we look good. I hope the article comes out good. I get a little nervous because some of the questions had negative responses. Like would you do this again, me, yes, Cynthia, yes, Chris Sr., no, Chris Jr., no. Maybe because we are female and you know females can do a million things at once or if it has to do with who Cynthia and I are but the males in the family felt the filming schedule was terrible and hated not knowing what we were doing or going at every moment. Them knowing everything would just have caused more hassle because they would have argued if they wanted to do the activity or not. Blah, Blah, Blah. Anyway for Cynthia and I it was about embracing everyday because it was a new day and we would be doing something different. It the end it wasn't about the weight loss, it was about the journey not the destination. Todays big hi goes out to Megan at The Spa at Litchfield Hills who cut Cynthia's hair and did our make-up, all for free. We looked wonderful the day of the party. We were running very late that day and she evening went out and bought us a healthy lunch. Bonnie

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


A lot of people have mentioned Eddie George. I have to tell you about him. He came to CT on his own dime. It was not in the filming budget for him or his coach, Joe. They came here and coached us on their own time and money. Both of them are truely awesome people. Eddie George came to our house and spent time talking with my daughter, Cynthia, in her bedroom. He was very down to earth and never came across as being better than anyone despite his many accomplishments. My daughter really liked him. He is genuinely nice person. He really cared about us. I have been in touch with his coach, Joe after the show and he is the same way. Eddie and Joe couldn't make it to Cynthia's Sweet 16th because of other work committments (now being a commentator for a football game on FOX network is more important than us, ha, ha) but Eddie called Cynthia during her party. Boot camp with Eddie and Joe and the long walk was a turning point for us. What we learned is that you are only as good as your weakest member of your team. We also learned how to challegne ourselves and you CAN do things in life especially physically that you wouldn't think you could do. Believe us you can do anything you believe you can do. It is a mind thing. At one point I was so exhausted and walked away from everyone when we had a ONE minute break and Eddie or Joe asked me what I was doing and I told them I was ready to cry and they said o.k. I then realize I will NOT cry because if I get it out of my mind that I can't do it I will get thru it and I did. Todays hi goes out to Eddie and Joe. We did appreciate every thing you did for our family. We learned more from you than you can imagine. P.S. If you leave a message on this blog and what us to e-mail you back you need to e-mail us at goody2shoes81370@yahoo.com or leave us your e-mail because we can't reply to you unless you do this.

Monday, October 8, 2007


We have gotten a lot of comments from around the country. The most ask question is . . . Does Chris Jr. own a shirt? LOL. NO. He really likes to wear little clothing. He does love his body. He is very proud of it. Like you heard in the show his dad use to look like that, NOT! Chris is hyperactive and NEVER stops moving. If all of us moved as much as him we would all be skinny and ripped like Chris Jr. So all of you should get moving. The thing we loved the most about our experience this summer is EVERYTHING. We embraced everything that we did. We now think about what we can do every day to challenge ourselves. What we can do to go just a little farther than we did yesterday. Talk to all of you again tomorrow. Did I tell you it is on again 5pm EST this Thursday OR you can go to mtv.com and watch the whole episode any time. You should go there anyway and see some pictures of us and other footage of us. Todays big hello goes out to my cousin Eric and his girlfriend Lindsey in Colorado who watch the whole episode on the internet.

Sunday, October 7, 2007


Hi Everyone, We hope you watched our show and it inspired you to get off the couch and get moving. We are all still exercising and eating healthy. Of course we have eaten food in the last month that hasn't been so healthy but that is life. The show is on again tonight at 8pm and Thursday 10/11 8pm EST. We are busy reading all of your e-mails and comments. We will talk with all of you again soon. Just thought we would check in and let you all look at the post we have been holding back from you until the show aired. Please look at all the old post so you can re-live some of the days we had this summer. Bonnie P.S. Todays big hi goes out to my grandparents (Cynthia and Chris' great-grandparents) in Florida who watch us and our proud of us. We love you gram and gramp!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


O.K. so three times is a charm for date/time changes on the show. This Sunday, October 7th at 11 am our episode is airing. Grab some popcorn and watch The Mosher family turn from puffy to fit. We have not seen the episode so . . . this will be fun for everyone to watch. We will let you all know how we feel about it after it airs. We lived the 3 months, over 200 hours of footage only to be edited into 43 minutes and 30 seconds. I hope they did a good job. We love you MTV. You have made us fit and we are still in the mode. Chris Sr. and I will be watching this Sunday with a bunch of friends at a campground in MA on a big projector tv screen so we will be in the moment with all of you. Both Chris Jr. and Cynthia have decided to watch it with their friends separately from us. Bonnie

Thursday, September 27, 2007

DATE CHANGE - OCT. 7th at 12 noon

Hello Everyone, They have done it again. Our episode is not airing on Saturday now but on SUNDAY, OCT. 7th at 12 noon (that is the latest update). I will be calling them next week to make sure the date and time hasn't changed yet again. All four of us are doing good. Starting on Monday we are going back to The Litchfield Athletic Club to work out. We have missed going to the gym since MTV left. Getting up at 5am to run/walk was getting too hard for us. Plus the cold weather is coming and 5am runs would be brutal. Cynthia is working at the club babysitting so she is getting her membership for free. Sunday mornings Chris Sr. and I use to go to the club and play racquetball so we are very excited to be able to do that again. A big hi goes out to the women at CHH blood drawing station. Thanks for still being interested in our story. Bonnie

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Hi Everyone, I just got the word that our episode of MTV MADE airs for the first of many times on Saturday, October 6th. I am not sure what time so you will have to go to MTV once and a while before then to see the commercials. We are the first episode of Season 8. Come join us for a episode of a tight knit family who took on a intense summer long weight loss journey to getting fit. We haven't even seen it yet but we hope we can make families around the world realize that you can do anything if you stick together and do it together. This journey would not have worked if we all didn't do it together. I will talk with all of you real soon. Bonnie

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Hi Everyone, Just letting you all know we have been "MADE" fit this summer. We have rapped up the filming and are going to New York City this week to finish up some voice stuff. Look for our episode to air real soon. As soon as the episode airs I can chat with all of you about it and post some great pictures of Cynthia and the rest of us. We have not forgot all the people who helped us get to where we are today. That includes the hospital staff and doctor's offices who worked VERY HARD to fit us in for many doctors appts to the hairdresser for our big reveal. Talk with all of you soon. Bonnie

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Hello Everyone, Just a quick note to say hi and tell everyone we still don't know the date of the first airing. Talk with all of you real soon. Bonnie

Monday, July 16, 2007


Before we left Eddie last night he said he would see me in the morning. So what do you think happened? That's right I didn't sleep at all last night. I was literally up every hour waiting for him and the TV crew to come blasting thru our front door to get us to go running early in the morning. He worked us so hard last night I don't even want to think about working out in the gym and doing a workout with him.

How Famous Is This Trainer?

Friday, we worked out all by ourselves while Alicia watched us. Alicia is going to a fitness festival in Italy for the next 10 days. I guess she thinks we need to step it up a notch because on Saturday when she came to say her good byes to us she told us she didn't think we could manage this week without her and was bringing in someone who wasn't going to be as nice as her. He (first clue) knows what he is doing and how to get the weight off us. She brought presents (or so we thought) for us. What could be in the bags? All four of us thought it was a picture of Alicia with a voice thing that would yell at us to work out but it wasn't. She made me open the big bag. It was a plastic replica of 5 lbs. of fat. It was discussing. Cindy named our fat, George. What was in the individual little bags. It was our very own pet fat. A l oz. piece of plastic fake fat. It was to remind us not to overeat and lose weight while she was away. Sunday was a new day and we were suppose to be meeting our trainer at 3pm. Gena (the producer) called and asked if we knew where there was a football field (#2 clue). O.k. so now we know it is a male, and a football player. Gena later tells us you don't need to be a sports fan to know who this person is because he is that famous. Guess what? He wasn't so famous to us because we didn't know who he was. He played for the Tennessee Titans (#3 clue). He is second in line to Patan for starting the most games in the NFL. If you aren't a big football fan and can't guess. . . Eddie George. Eddie brought his trainer, Joe, along with him. We were in for some hard workouts. We played football with him and then did workout drills. We had to re-do reps of things if he felt we weren't trying hard enough or we stopped for a second. At the end he had us running around the track and if we stopped we were going to have to run it again. I almost felt like I was going to throw up. What will tomorrow bring???? Bonnie

Saturday, July 14, 2007


Hi Everyone, Please visit our blog in November! Thank your for your support. Bonnie, Chris Sr., Chris Jr. & Cynthia

Friday, July 13, 2007

5k Race, Thursday night

O.K. I didn't finish the race. Not even close. Last night they thought they (MTV's Story Producer) would do a test on how well we have been doing. They thought we should enter this 5k race along with runners who run every weekend in races or at least 2x/month. Every Thursday there is 3 races, 3k, 4k & 5k thur White Memorial. MTV found out about this and entered us in it as a test. It wasn't a test at all. We knew Chris Jr. and Chris Sr. would do fine. Cindy ran/walk with the trainer and finished. The paths for the race were very unclear especially for first time runners so Chris Jr. ended up doing 10k and Cindy and the trainer did a little extra. I was last of all the runners and decided about 1 1/2 into it that I was lost and didn't even know were to find the right path. This is the only thing I made my mind up about so far that I was not going to finish. I am very positive and go into everything that way but this was crazy. MTV made us look absolutely like this fatty family. I was not going to let them make us look this way so I ended the race for myself. I don't mind going into something and not know how to do it and look like a beginner but I was just looking dumb and I will NOT put up with that. Me not finishing the race really upset my daughter. I will not even tell you everything that happen after the race because it was a lot of stuff that runs deep in my sole about how I feel about myself and my family and it was a big situation. MTV filmed it so I am sure it will make it on MTV and if it doesn't (which I hope it doesn't) that will be great. Just know that I am the core of this family and if things don't turn out good it usually is my fault. Me not finishing the race put my daughter over the edge. I wrote into MTV and told them that I thought they were wrong to put us in a situation with very advanced runners and let us compete. This is crazy. I wonder what they think of me now. I write into our Series producer almost every day so I am sure what he thinks of me?? Today better me a better day of filming or else. Todays big hi goes out to all of you that leave me comments. I really do appreciate them and thank you for reading my blog. Bonnie

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Today I got up at 5am and went with my mom walk/running since they told me the weight is only coming off if you do more cardio and then we did water aerobics. Then I did 30 minutes of cardio with Cindy and the trainer. She had us doing us funky things on the treadmill. I sweat like I never have sweat before. Then we did some abs. Filming hasn't been so bad this week because we are doing individual training. So it is only a hour to hour and a half per day. Not so bad. Lets see what the weekend will bring on. Todays big hello goes out to my Mom and Dad. My mom has been my workout partner this week. She has been getting up early every morning just to work out with ME. Thanks mom. I love you. Bonnie

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Who do you think lost the most weight in two weeks? Chris Sr., Bonnie or Cindy? If you guessed me you were wrong. If you guessed Cindy you were wrong. It was Chris Sr. with a total weight loss of 11 lbs. He has worked hard at his diet. He runs almost every day with Tyson. As for me I have to do more cardio. I came in last with only 3 lbs. Cindy lost a whopping 7 lbs. You go girl. She is doing so well. I am down because I have worked just as hard as the others. I do take two medicines that make it harder to lose weight but I am still sad. I have a goal for myself of 2 1/2 lbs per week. If I do that I will meet my goal of 30 lbs by Sept. 8th. Now I have to lose about 3 pounds per week. I am already discouraged. Any one out there got words of encouragement for me. Hint, Hint, this would be a good time to leave a nice comment for me. LOL. Todays big hello goes out to my sister, Tina, who is always checking up on me and telling me I am doing a great job. Thanks, sis. Bonnie

Monday, July 9, 2007


One producer came tonight and filmed Chris Sr. getting his breakfast ready. He was trying to tell them he didn't eat breakfast before this. I guess coffee break eating a dounut and a coffee is not breakfast. Please, give me a break. She only came to say hi and do a quick interview on how our vacation was. See you tomorrow at the gym she told us. Wait, where is the trainer? Getting ready I guess for all of us to go to the gym at different times tomorrow. Todays big hello goes out to Lisa, one of my friends from my TOPS group. I hope we are motivating you Lisa. We can be thinner yet. Bonnie

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Exercise or Not?

So do you think we exercised everyday on vacation? YES, we did. Chris Sr. ran every day down to the beach and back along with Tyson. You know Tyson has a 6 week exercise plan too. He needs to run for 20 minutes per day with his dad. Cynthia and I ran two days and the rest of the days we did water aerobics. I really felt great doing water aerobics each morning. I got up and went to the pool at 8am right when the pool opened. I felt great for the rest of the day after doing water aerobics. I am going to try and still do that each morning. My mom and dad live 5 minutes from me and 1 minute from work so I shouldn't have an excuse right. Our trainer contacted us today about getting together and doing a hour of personal training with each of us tomorrow. I thought we had another week without her?? Who knows when the producers are coming back? Tomorrow too?? Oh, Chris Sr. will be so mad if that is the case. He needs another week off from shooting. I think it really exhausted him out the first couple of weeks also. Who is use to getting up at 5:30am and going to bed at 11 pm without ever stopping your day. Hopefully we can keep up the good work exercising when the trainer is not in town. Today's big hello goes out to all the campers we met this past week at Bailey's RV Resort. Hopefully Chris Sr. didn't talk your ears off. He even took pictures with some of you and signed autographs. LOL. What will tomorrow bring? . . . . . .Bonnie

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Was It Really Vacation?

We are back from vacation in Old Orchard Beach, Maine and we are all well rested. It didn't start out that way. We were all very sore from the three days of exercising with our trainer. We later found out that she had us doing very advanced moves for filming purposes. Personally my body and mind were so exhausted. I didn't realize how tired I was until I went vacation. We arrived on vacation dragging our feet we were so sore. I felt like I was tired for the first third days of vacation even though I slept good. One of the producers came up to shoot us supposely for one hour a day for two days of vacation. WRONG! He filmed us Sunday afternoon until Sunday night. Then we had a 14 hour day on Monday. We were playing a bean bag tossing game Monday afternoon when out pops, yes you guessed it, the trainer. We were more surprised to see her on vacation then the day we first met her. What the hell was she doing on our vacation and how did she get here. Let me answer the first question first. She was checking up on us. She checked the refrigerator and found nothing but fresh produce and fruit. Whew, I am so glad that we were sticking to our diet (and we did for the whole vacation too) because if she found out we weren't then she was there to make us work out. She said she had spies (the producer and our son Chris Jr.) watching us and because we were doing so well she decided we didn't have to work out. She then took us on a trip. A trip to a spa called Fabu in Porland, Maine. Our trainer and I got body wraps and Chris Sr. and Cindy got full body massages. Chris Jr. decide he was going to the beach and really didn't want any part of the filming on vacation. That was o.k. but he missed the spa. Tuesday was just one hour of filming while we were doing water aerobics. Good thing the trainer and the producer left Tuesday morning or Chris Sr. was going to boot them out of the campground. Monday was the longest day yet of filming. We had our trainer picking up dog poop. She said she wanted to help us. She had a couple of firsts again; First time camping, first time picking up dog poop, and the first time ever making shishkabobs (however you spell it). The weather was not the greatest for a beach vacation but my family did find a lot of sand dollars. I think my mom and dad found 45 and my sister and her family found 43. My daughter only got in the action of finding them later in the week when the weather was bad but she found 6. Baby on the way home stepped on them and broke 3 of them. Sorry Cindy, dad didn't put them in a very good place. We are going to enjoy our next week off! Or do you think the MTV crew will pop in and show up early and see how we are doing???? We hope not. We need to live like a normal family for another week. What is normal? I am going to tell you a little each day about things on our vacation that have to do with MTV and exercising. Our big hello today goes out to Linda, the bartender at The Clam Bake. She gave Chris Sr. a stuffed toy lobster with a pink bandana. Bonnie

Friday, June 29, 2007


We woke up at 5:45 am to the sound of our trainer banging on our door. Wake up Mosher Family it is time to exercise is all we heard. My daughter and I thought she was here for my husband but little to our disbelieve she was here for us too. We ran up and down our street for 30 minutes. That was just what I wanted to do this morning. My legs were hurting. She gave us instructions for exercising on our vacation. Yes mame. I will be on vacation until Sunday, July 8 so you won't be hearing from me. Stay tuned for the next two weeks of filming . . . . Bonnie

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Working out & the results

Today we did very little cardio and a lot of curcuit training. My legs were rubbery from yesterday but I did the exercises. I felt I would fall at any minute but I did them. After working out Cindy and I were going to go home, shower, eat, and then go grocery shopping for vacation. When didn't make it too far from the gym when Gena called and she was taking us out to dinner. Was this to test us. No it was all off camara but we would have passed anyway. Cindy and I both had a veggie wrap with no mayo and veggies (by special request) instead of fries or coleslaw. Then we went grocery shopping. I piece of info is if you are eating healthy you really only need to shop the outer aisles of the grocery store. Think about it you have produce, meat, and dairy. All on the outside aisles. You only need to go in the inside aisles for one or two things. Tomorrow is another day. I hope Alicia doesn't wake us up too early. We are tired and so aren't our legs and arms. Tomorrow night we go on vacation. Yes, no schedule for 8 days. Alicia we love you but we have had a very emotional and tiring week. Bonnie

Wednesday - BIKRAM YOGA

Today Cynthia and I worked out at the gym for the first time. They measured us and pinched our body fat. We then did 20 minutes of cardio. We had to rush out of the gym to get the boys. Why? We really didn't know. We thought what else could be so bad as last night. Maybe they were taking us to a cooking school. That thought ended when we pulled into a Patco and Alicia, the trainer and Brian, the producer went inside and came out with all of these giant water bottles. They gave each one of us a bottle and said, "Drink it. Drink all of it. I mean it. You need to drink the whole bottle. You will need to have drunk the whole bottle for the place we are going. My thought now was were would we be going that we would need to have a whole bottle of water in us. This was crazy. I don't drink this much water in a short time. We were back on the road and pulled into a plaza I have never been at in Farmington. The first thing I saw was a Dunkin Dounuts and I knew she wasn't taking us there. We parked and when we got out I saw a sign that said BIKRAM YOGA. I thought great we are doing Yoga. I have done yoga a few time. Bikram must be the name of the guy who owns it. Little did I know. Then all of a sudden we see people coming out of the building soaked in sweat. Our trainer proceded to tell us it wasn't ordinary yoga. It was yoga that you do in a 105 degree room for 90 minutes. Well this sounded like fun, NOT. The main objective for your first time is not to leave the room (or lose your lunch, ha, ha). If you leave the room you lose the effect of the cleansing process. You do feel dizzy at times and yes you get nausea. All four of us never left the room. Of course Chris Jr. did the best. He is so flexible and fit. Cindy did the next best. Then it was me just stopping a few times for water and to relax. Chris Sr. had the hardest time. He sat out for a while because he was feeling so sick. I am so proud of us. This was a very intense thing. Our trainer had never even done this type of yoga before. I spoke with the nutritionist today at the gym and she said she would never do that type of yoga because she hates heat. Well honey so do I. I really think it is something everyone should try at least one. You feel so powerful at the end because you made it. Will I do it again, probably not. Well only if MTV makes me or maybe if I have to bring my extended family there to get detoxed. What will Thursday bring? Bonnie


Look this up on the internet. It was hell. I hate heat. I guess we cleansed our house on Tuesday and on Wednesday we cleanse our body. I will not say anymore about it. If you read about it you can imagine what we went thru. Thursday we worked out and found out about our BMI. The results for the BMI were bad, very bad. Friday is our last day before vacation. I will not be blogging until Sunday, July 8th. I will be on vacation in Old Orchard Beach. I went shopping tonight. All the food was nothing but fresh and healthy. Until I see and talk to you all again I hope I am lighter. Bonnie

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Bye, Bye, Food

Can't say much other than we have no more food in our house except for the few things they bought us last night. I mean NO FOOD OR DRINKS. Empty refrig, empty beer refrig, empty pantry. Another emotion, intervention night. I feel like we are drug or alcoholics. Just know that I am recording everything for all of you to read at the end. Our family would like all of you that are following us that we are all o.k. It has been a emotional week but we are all o.k. and excited about our new situation. Todays hi goes out to my grandparents in Florida that are following our story. We will see you much lighter. Until tomorrow . . . toodles, bonnie

OUT WITH THE OLD, In with the new

Today, Alicia, our trainer, brought over a dietician, Carla, and they went thru our refrigerator and pantry and analyzed everything and then processed to throw everything out. They even went into the basement refrigerator where Chris Sr. keeps his beer and threw everything out in there and the freezer too. If you could have seen the look on my children's face. Cynthia held back from crying at this point. Chris Jr. was riping mad. He actually stole a big box of various little bags of chips and two boxes of oatmeal creme pies and brought them up into his room. Stealing food within your own house. Doesn't that sound desperate. Cynthia had an answer for why we had every food and what we use of did with that food. She was so funny. Right in front of Alicia and Carla she reaches into one of the 20 or so garabe bags and pulls out a breakfast bar and a juice box and starts eating and drinking. The producer got their attention and it was a funny scene with them asking Cynthia what she was doing. Getting in my last meal she told them. Don't we sound like we are addicted to food. Yes, we are. Then they made us load it all into the back of my pickup and take it to the local food kitchen. Now mind you my husband during all this was shopping for a new pair of sneakers and they wouldn't let him into the house so he had no idea what they were doing. He was so shocked when we came out with the food and this beer. Alicia and Carla took us girls grocery shopping. They only bought enough food for us to have 3 breakfasts, 3 lunches and 3 dinners. That would be enough until we went on vacation. Cindy later broke down when she saw there was only 3 or 4 items in the pantry and like 8 in the refrigerator. Alicia, counceled her on what she was feeling. She felt like someone took the rug and pulled it out from under her. Chris Sr. was angry for the most part but starting letting go of his angry feelings and replacing them with happy ones. Alicia gave me my assignment for the night. It was to make my family their first healthy dinner. Since it was 9:30pm at night I created a nice salad with tomatos, cukes, horseradish hummus, and a few small rolled up pieces of Boarshead turkey. In the end we all were o.k. We knew this was a fresh start and we needed it.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The (very expensive) Boutiques

Alicia, the trainer, arrives and tells us she is going shopping with us to some boutiques in town. The trick is we are getting "goal" outfits. Outfits that we need to fit by September. We haven't even been in some of these shops because we can't afford even one dress in these shops. The first shop they only had knit dress that Cindy already fit into. The second shop had really cute teenage clothes but no dresses that she could wear to a Sweet 16th birthday party. The last shop, The Workshop, is where both Cindy and I got our dresses. They are 100% silk so you can imagine how much they cost. O.K. that is your guess, a little higher. We won't tell you how much they cost in case we don't reach our goal to fit into them. Short day of filming.

Meeting the trainer

So while we were eating baked mac & cheese on our back deck (for the 4th time this week) out pops our trainer, Alicia Marie, with her 4" Gucci pumps and skin tight spandex pants. We knew we had to be getting a trainer because the nature of the show but didn't didn't who she was. We live in a small town so it did leak out that she was colored, and looked mean and tough. That is the way she appeared to us too when she first popped out told us who she was, all her credientials, and what she was going to do with us to get our family fit. She "lived" with us for the day to see what it was like to be A MOSHER. First she rode around the yard on Chris Sr. John Deere tractor and then learned a little bit about how to fix trucks. Both scenes were so funny. Imagine this buff women with Gucci heels trying to put the pedals with her heels to get the tractor moving. It was hilarious. She later revealed that it was the first time she has ever mowed a lawn on a tractor or has not even ever pushed a lawn motor in her live. I asked her if she was some kind of primadonna or something. She laughed and said, "No my dad just always mowed the lawn." They filmed her and Chris Sr. laying off the fenders with their butt cracks showing. O.K. so this is going to be a redneck MADE show. By the way she grew up right here in CT. Her parents still live here. Then she spent time with Chris Jr. going 4-wheeling in his Toyota truck and skateboarding on a half pipe. Then it was mom's turn to spend time with her. Bet you can't guess what mom did with her. That's right, we stamped a card together. We did a card that had ribbon on it that looked like a ruler with a image of a girl sitting on a couch eating. On the ground there is soda, popcorn, candy, etc. The saying on the card said "you stuffeth, you puffeth" It fit the situation. Cindy was last but not least. She spent time listening to music and reading on the couch. That night she did a scene with marshmallows all over our living room table explaining how many calories we ate as a family that day. Then they taped us outside watching her doing exercises. We then followed her in my son's beat up truck (why couldn't they film our 1 year old Dodge extended cab pickup, redneckish again) with Chris Sr. and I in the cab and Cindy, Chris, the producer and of course the most famous boxer of all Tyson. Oh, I forgot to tell you something. Tyson is going on a diet with us. He is going on a raw food, organic diet. We won't be able to call him Fat Boy after this they tell us. At the end of the night Alicia tells us, I will be back tomorrow Moshers and you'd better be ready to shop.

Who is our trainer?

Sunday we met our trainer (can't tell you her name, but I wasn't going to anyway). We had a long day filming. She spent a little time with each of us getting to know us. She is very nice but I know will kick our butts in the gym. I am going to blog but not show all of you until the end because you will really laugh at all the stuff that happen this day and all the days. Monday, we went shopping for our goal outfits. Yes, outfits that we don't fit into now but will in a few month. I big hi to the CHH registration department who is following us too. A really big Hi to my eight year old nephew, Aaron, who is following us and has made a comment on our site. We love you Aaron. Bonnie

Saturday, June 23, 2007


Today was all hype and no action. We are trying to get used to this life. Many times this week MTV has told us we were doing something and then it changes in 5 minutes or doesn't happen. We have invited our family and/or friends to do something and then had to uninvited them. This feels weird for us because we are a family of our word. We don't do these kinds of things. Last night we were asked not to have our tag sale today because Saturday was going to be a big day. They couldn't tell us what was happening, just that it would be best not to have the tag sale. We wanted to be complient and were told it was a big day so why wouldn't we cancel the tag sale. The short filming that was done today was me getting out of bed and waking up the kids with the dogs help. The scene was suppose to be the three (four, Lisa, Chris' girlfriend was here) of us making the famous baked mac and cheese for BREAKFAST. I think MTV thinks we make baked mac & cheese for every meal and definately more than once every other week that we normally make it. They shot us making the baked mac & cheese and putting it in the oven to cook. Then the producers said some people were late getting on the conference call and left supposely for a hour and a half. We got a call saying we were going to kill them because what ever was suppose to happen was being postponed until Sunday. O.K., nothing we can do. I took a nap since I was up to 2am last night rubber stamping. Cindy says she doesn't know what we are going to do when we have a break from shooting every 2 weeks. We are so used to them telling us what our next move is. I know how she feels. Tomorrow . . . . should be exciting??

Friday, June 22, 2007


Today I was at the hospital with the kids getting their echocardiograms and stress test for medical clearance for the show. A special hi going out to all our fans at Charlotte Hungerford Hospital especially the blood drawing department that has our article copied and is handing it out to people. HI! Right after the hospital we went to my mother and father's pool. Yes, MTV picked the coldest day to shoot a pool scene. We jumped in the pool and just about had a stroke. I made a comment that we should race each other to get warm. I was kidding but Brian the associate producer wasn't. We raced and played games for a while. Then I taught Cynthia how to do a back dive off the diving board. I told her if she learned how to do the back dive I would take her to Cold Stone Creamery in Torrington. Shhh don't tell her but we were already planning on going there tonight. When we came back home we bleached Cindy's hair. Her hair is now the color of mine, blond. Hey, gram this is now two times you got your wish of Cindy having blond hair. MTV didn't want her to dye her hair any color because then they can edit the filming and put in all together and not worry what sequence the hair color was in. Then we all got interviewed again about the same things we get interviewed about every day. Repeat, Repeat. They ask us the same questions but different ways every day. I guess they will edit the tapes and find the best day, with the best answers, with us in our best outfit. LOL. After dinner we went to Cold Stone. It took us over a hour to get the approval to film in there. Of course once we got the approval we walked in and the owner was saying, Welcome to Cold Stone Creamery. No one has ever welcomed us before. Did you know if you tip them the employees sing? Once they started singing people were tipping them left and right. We had our favorite employee, Joe, waiting on us. I told you Joe, we were going to be famous. Maybe you will be now too. If anyone was planning on coming to our Tag Sale tomorrow, it is cancelled. That is another story in itself. MTV has something big tomorrow they tell us. We will see . . . . . . . Bonnie

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Today started off with MTV coming to my work with my daughter, Cynthia. They taped both of us telling one of my co-workers, Debbie, about our goal. What is our goal? The goal is for three of us to lose 30 pounds by Sept. 15th and hopefully get Chris Jr. off of sugar. This is going to be hard but even if we don't reach our goal we will be healther and weight a lot less. Next they took Cynthia to meet a friend she hasn't seen in a couple of months and tell him about her goal. Then they taped me making baked mac & cheese. The mac & cheese recipe goes back to my aunt, Janice. It is not your basic mac & cheese recipe. I have never had mac & cheese better than this. My aunt thinks this recipe came from her grandmother. My aunt use to make this for me when I was a kid and I absolutly loved it. When I had kids I started mading it for them. This is there all time favorite meal. I alway make 2 lbs. of it so the kids can have left overs for the next night. Aunt Janice, I am going to make this dish famous. MTV taped me making this same dish in the green light taping. Aren't I get so technical saying green light. That means when they come to film/shoot you for a couple of days before they make a decision if this is the episode they want to shoot full time. While making the mac & cheese I had to talk into the camara and tell every ingredient and every step I was doing. I like had my own cooking show. NO MTV, I do not want a cooking show. I hate to cook. When it was done cooking we went to my parents house and met with them and my sister and her family. The first thing that came to mind about this dinner situation was it truely was like watching Eddie Murphy in "The Klumps" except we are a different colored skin. No we weren't passing gas but we were all talking at the same time, making fun of each other and ourselves. One of the directors had to tell us to talk one at a time. We did calm down and got serious. One thing the four of us learned and now my sister and parents learned is it is hard work being on film. Every one thinks it is easy. You have to repeat yourself a lot or re-word what you just said because they may not have heard you or didn't have the right angle. Somethings we are walking in or driving in places 2 or 3 times over and over. Tomorrow the kids are off to finish up the rest of their medical tests so we can start the fitness part. It is 10:15pm and I am whipped. I think we are going to look forward to our vacation in a week and a half to just sleep. Bonnie

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Night Off

7 pm and Gena just left. She spent the afternoon with Cindy just filming her doing every day things like walking around with Baby. We went to our TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meeting that I am the leader of. My chapter is the oldest one in CT. I only joined in September but the women there have been a good source of inspiration. I hope I am doing the same for them. Some of the members didn't feel right being tape so they choose to sit this meeting out. Hope they weren't too mad about me bringing MTV. I told them last week I had a guest speaker. My mom even came to the meeting. She always says she is going to come but never has until tonight. Nice to see you Mom. Before MTV taped anything Gena explained who she was and had everyone sign releases so the women got to choose to stay or not. Sorry to the two members who chose to sit out. Brian spent the day with Chris Sr. and Chris Jr. at work. Brian loved going to Chris Sr.'s work. Chris took him around on the payloader moving junk cars. He interviewed Chris' uncle, Jeff, and cousin, Brandon. Tomorrow the TV crew meets the whole family. Bonnie

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

11 pm

9pm and the MTV producers are here. We got to meet the two producers that will be working with us all summer, Gena and Brian. They are both young and sassy like us. This should be a good match for our family. They came tonight instead of tomorrow morning to meet us because we are all busy in the morning and they wanted to meet us as a family. We had to eat dinner together at 9pm while they were filming. After two hours of filming and Chris Sr. getting interviewed they have left for the night. The producers are staying in a hotel in Waterbury. I e-mailed them some other options for bed & breakfasts/hotels/inns in the Litchfield/Torrington area. They will be back tomorrow morning to see Cindy and then off to everybody elses work. Tomorrow is another day. Bonnie

Monday, June 18, 2007

Prior to MTV Coming

What were we doing prior to MTV coming? We were all getting physicals, stress tests, and echocardiograms. No, we are not sick. Maybe we are not physical fit but our insides are healthy. We have done a lot of things before we got to this point with MTV. The first thing was Cindy auditioned at her school. She had a 30 minute video taped interview with a girl named Lauren. Lauren liked Cindy and said, "I am going to push for you to get this." Oh, by the way is your family as outgoing and funny as you. YES. Could they afford to lose weight and get healthy. YES, except for my brother, Chris. Forward a few weeks and Rebecca, from casting called Cindy while she was on vacation in Florida. They needed pictures of the whole family and our house. Well, mom, dad, and Chris Jr. took pictures of the house and the three of them. They sent pictures of Cindy they had on the digital camara. A couple of days later Rebecca called again and said they wanted to send a producer out to do a green light at our house in TWO DAYS. She was really pushing for us too. O.K., two days away. Cindy got home from vacation later that night and we wrote up a exact schedule of what we would be doing Friday and Saturday. Justin, a producer came Friday morning bright and early. He miked Cindy up and off to school he went with her. They had a great day filming at Cindy's high school. The green light was filled with us eating every imaginable fattening food we ever eat. It was fun but tiring. We were all interviewed for two days straight. Then the waiting began. They said we would hear something between 2 to 4 weeks. On Thursday of the fifth week we got an e-mail from Rebecca, to call her when we got a chance. She said that she is always the one having to call people and tell them they didn't get the show, but not this time. WE MADE IT. That was a couple of weeks ago. O.K., don't tell anyone MTV says. Oh, can we tell our immediate family like the grandparents and great-grandparents. Yes. So we did. Bonnie

Two Days Before MTV Comes

06/18/07 Hello Family and Friends, We thought we would take you on our journey with getting fit as a family. Today is Monday and the official word is MTV is coming Wed. morning. All we really know is that we will be meeting two producers Wed. morning, Gina and Brian. The taping will begin. MTV likes to keep us in the dark about everything. Everything is a surprise. Bonnie